Tuesday, August 2, 2011

"But when I point my head, everyone can see where I'm looking!"

...brilliantly spoken, Angi, brilliant.

In the wake of a road trip to MT, I decided to buy a headlamp. All the boys had one, and I was sad because I didn't have one. Unfortunately, though, my trip to the flagship REI inspired an all-out extravaganza of purchasing or (mostly) wish-listing items that I don't really have the time/opportunity to use or the money to buy!

But it inspired me to make a list of things I want to do with my to-be-acquired REI items, which I owe in part to Christye's blog about things she wants to do before she's 25. Well, I just turned 25, so that one's out, but I definitely want to make a list of various things I want to do before I turn 30. It's a combination of things to do on the East Coast, in between, and when I return to the PNW next year.

1. Go on a kayaking-camping trip.
1a. Buy a kayak.

2. Backpack the Cascade Loop.
2a. Buy a new sleeping bag since people keep taking mine!

3. Climb Rainier.

4. Finish grad school.

5. Completely pay off my student loans.

6. Explore NYC with Janae.

7. Stay in a cabin and snowshoe in Vermont or New Hampshire.

8. Visit the hospital in Tanzania ZW told me about.

9. Volunteer at the Special Olympics.

10. Go to a Dolly Parton concert--don't judge me. I will always love her no matter how wrong people think it is.

11. Finish reading through the Bible (I'm about 1/3 of the way through, but it's taken me a while to get that far!)

12. Visit Ireland, Scotland, & go back to England. Or Egypt & Israel. Or Greece. Or all of the above.

13. Drive across the USA and stop at Yonkers, Philly, Pittsburgh, Gettysburg, Chicago, any Minnesota city, somewhere in Iowa, Mount Rushmore, Bozeman, Yellowstone, Bend.

14. Live alone in a cabin on a lake by myself with a kayak and a fishing pole. Maine would be rad. I'd accept Oregon as a close second.

15. Fly fish in a river...I'm thinking somewhere near Snoqualmie Falls.

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